Sunday, February 5, 2012


I have seen this idea on numerous blogs and have never tried.  Today I finally got an opportunity to use it and I am SO glad that I did!  What a HIT!!  So here is my modified version of the several other versions that I saw.

First I made my UNO board.

I did it on one black piece of poster board.  I then covered it with contact paper so I could use it over and over again.  I went through my family version of UNO and collected cards that I would use.

I used this to teach the song CHOOSE THE RIGHT.   I taped the words to the song in the four squares.  Each card when drawn meant a different thing.

When a number card was drawn we would sing that
square the number of times the card indicated.
Note that I only had numbers going up to three!

Then there were these, the reverse cards.  When one of these
was drawn the kids had to turn around and sing that colored
square without looking!

Next were the WILD cards.  When one of these were drawn the
kids had to sing the entire song (all the squares).  That is because
the card shows all the colors!

And finally I used the SKIP cards which I really liked!  These allowed
a kid to remove some of the words from that colored square.  Then
we sang that color once.

For Junior Primary, I only taught them the chorus today.  We have a lot of new sunbeams and our Junior primary is quite large.  I felt just the chorus was enough for them.  Here is how their board looked at the start.

 They had so much fun!!  After about 10 minutes, I then started letting two kids come up and we would do two cards at a time!  This got really fun!!  We'd sing the yellow square twice then turn around and sing the green square without looking! FUN!  By the end of singing time every child in junior primary knew the chorus and sang their hearts out!!

For Senior I included the first verse as well (sorry no picture).  I split the first verse into two (yellow and red) and then spilt the chorus into two (blue and green).  It was so great to see them learn a song so quickly and so well, and have a great time doing it!

To all of those other choristers who have been using this and posted it on your blog, THANK YOU!  I loved this sooooo much!  It was such and effective tool to teaching new songs to the kids!!!

***EXTRA NOTE*** To make this easier on my pianist I photocopied the song for her and marked the portions on the song with the corresponding colors.  That was if I said "Blue square twice" she knew exactly what to play!


  1. Thank you!! I have really struggling with teaching this song and getting excited about it. Solved it!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is a great idea and it doesn't look too hard to prepare. Thanks!

    1. I hope your primary kids enjoy it as much as mine did!

  3. Love this idea! Thank you for sharing.
